Welcome to my page!
Hello, my name is Jesus Sanchez and i am currently a computer science student at the University of Texas at Rio Grande Valley (Brownsville).
I am an aspiring programmer adept in C++, Java, and currently learning HTML and CSS.
Under my
name you will find my social media links along with my Github repositories with some of the projects i am currently working.
Below you will find a little more about me and contact information. Please enjoy your stay!
Contact information
Below are a series of links for my resume and contact information, please do use them if you need to reach me
Email AddressCurriculum Vitae PDF
I graduated from Gladys Porter High School under the Engineering Academy Program, and i am currently on my 3rd year of college under the Computer Science major program.
Ive currently taken the following courses:
- Java Language Programming
- Object Oriented Programming in Java Language
- Physics for Scientist and Engineers
- C++ Language Programming
Although i have not taken an Internet Programming course yet, i am taking a self-taught course during the summer to get ahead.
The University of Texas – Rio Grande Valley
Brownsville, TX
Bachelor in Computer Sciences May, 2018
GPA: 2.8/4.0
Gladys Porter High School Brownsville, TX
Engineering May, 2013
GPA: 3.6/4.0
2010 Top 10% Freshmen year award LEADERSHIP
2010-2014 Member of the Texas Student Association
2010-2014 Video Game Programming at Gladys Porter High School
I am currently employed by my university's IT service. I work for the IT- Business Relationships department and i was previously employed by the University of Texas at Brownsville's IT-Help Desk department
Some of the skills that i have learned
from by job include(but are not limited to):
- Customer Support experience
- Ability to quickly identify user's problems
- Experience with customer support over the phone and in person
- Experience quickly troubleshooting simple to intermediate user errors
- Experience operating a variety of computers and enterprise printers
- Experience operating imaging software
IT Helpdesk – University of Texas at Brownsville March 13, 2015 to August 31, 2015 Responsibilities:
- Maintain lab station in order
- Respond calls with accurate and fast information
- Be able to narrow down problems for an easier solution
- Troubleshooting customers problems
- Follow guidelines
- Greet people with positive personality
- Work under pressure to meet a certain deadline